Cryptic Facebook updates are so 2014. But there is still hope—they haven’t resorted to a passive aggressive IG story yet.
Instead of a monotonous scene in the park, here are some things MParader could spend time watching instead to remain hip and relevant.

Subtlety is not a Singaporean Youtuber’s forte. For the sake of Singaporeans who live for political drama, we can only hope that MParader will learn to be more direct as well. He already has a Youtuber’s natural cringeworthy factor down pat.
2. The Facebook page Kiasu Memes for Singaporean Teens
This sharp sense of humour might fly over the heads of most Singaporeans. But at least MParader will now be cool and misunderstood.

No better masterclass in doing the bare minimum and still appealing to the masses than a series that makes watching paint dry feel like an exhilarating experience. At its 3094952093rd episode now, Tanglin is unlikely to wrap up anytime within the next century.
The only downside to watching this is that MParader will have to accept that he may never know what happens to the Rahmans.
4. Music video of Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
Take a leaf out of the book of the man who has made billions declaring his feelings publicly. Not only will MParader learn how to captivate an audience, he might pick up tips on how to be a more eloquent social media wordsmith. He won’t even need to use his SkillsFuture credits.

A privileged man who was once extremely popular attempts to rejuvenate his personal brand by performing on a large platform. He is unaware that much time has passed since the height of his popularity and now comes off mediocre at best, and unenlightened at worst. He tries very hard.
Unlike Justin and MParader, PM Lee doesn’t need to try to stay relevant. His efforts are better spent watching these things instead.